As President of Carter Financial Group, Dee Carter, CLU®, ChFC®, RFC, enjoys bringing stability and peace of mind to his retirement-planning clients. With more than 45 years of experience in insurance and financial services, Carter opened his own independent firm in 2001 to specialize in the universe of conservative investments. He works with clients to help ensure they make informed, educated decisions that will best suit their current needs and enable them to achieve their long-term financial goals. Dee is also an Investment Advisor Representative with Sound Income Strategies, LLC based out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Born in Abilene, Texas, Carter played basketball at Abilene Christian University where he earned his B.A. and M.A. in Bible and New Testament. After serving as a youth minister for six years, he discovered his calling in the insurance and financial services industry. He worked for an insurance company for 25 years before founding Carter Financial Group. “I felt that I could do more to help my clients protect their nest eggs by being independent and offering a broader range of solutions,” he says.